« Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all? » Paris department stores are all battling to win the race for wealthy clients, especially tourists. This year, they have all redone whole sections of their displays, competing to create an experience for all who cross their thresholds. The only department store on Rive Gauche, Le Bon Marché, whose name translates as “cheap”- which is most definitely not the case, has definitively chosen luxe, which is logical considering that it’s owned by LVMH. The ground floor is therefore now an endless repetition of all the brands that belong to the group; Dior, Louis Vuitton, Fendi. Happily, an exhibition on Brazil that runs until June 22nd is held in the center with a good but pricey selection of great Brazilian brands such as Papeleria and it’s eskimos or cakes shaped like pastel note pads, Melissa plastic shoes for the beach or Phebo’s luxurious soaps, or if you prefer a bathing suit by Carioca.
LVMH versus Galerie Lafayette
A Rose Bakery tea room is now on the 3rd floor with children’s clothes to offer that hipster ambiance which is so particular to this store. On the right bank, the BHV, now owned by The Galeries Lafayette group which means this store is devoted to the mother ship, offering exactly the same selection as Galeries Lafayette, has just opened a new beauty department, with large counters for Guerlain, Hermès, Dior and Chanel, cosmetics and perfumes being a lot more profitable than the assorted hammers and nails on sale in the basement. As for Galeries Lafayette, they have unveiled a newly decorated lingerie department, while Printemps have long since dedicated the first floor to jewels, watches and so on. So now it’s up to you decide at which temple of consumerism will you enjoy spending your money…